Upon booking you will be required to pay a non refundable booking fee of £50 or payment in full.No appointment will Be secured until the fee is paid.The booking fee will be deducted off your treatment cost.Please inform me once the deposit is sent.CANCELLATIONS:A request to change a appointment time/ within 48hours of the appointment will be arranged once.if you want to cancel your appointment more than once the booking fee will be lost and you will have to book again.If you arrive more than ten minutes late to your appointment I will need to re schedule your appointment and your booking fee will be lost.REVIEWS AND COMPLICATIONS:
Botox reviews need to be booked within 2-3 weeks post treatment.
Filler reviews (marrionette/nose) need to be booked 3 weeks post treatment.
Anything over this time will result in the full treatment price being charged again.
Please allow four weeks for healing time for any treatment and cosmetic injectables can never guarantee results.
The clinic is a 18 years and over only ,
Please do not bring children with you too your appointment.
if you do I have the right to refuse your treatment and you will lose your booking fee, please bring I.d with you to prove you are of legal age.
If I feel uncomfortable in any way or feel you are under the influence of any substance I will refuse the treatment, I don't not have to give a reason.